Logistics Branch Proponency Office

Serves as the executing agent for the CG, CASCOM and SCoE as the Logistics (LG) branch Proponent and for all matters related to sustainment branches policy and procedures including oversight of 57MOSs (163,750 Soldiers). Therefore, as the umbrella Personnel Development Office for the sustainment community, the Logistics branch coordinates and synchronizes all personnel proponency actions amongst sustainment branches (Finance Management, Human Resources, Transportation, Quartermaster, and Ordnance officers); develop professional development models as per DA Pam 600-3, DA Pam611-21, AR 5-22, AR 600-3 and DA Pam 600-25 for all logistics components. Additionally, serves as coordinating agency for officers and senior NCOs’ promotions and centralized selection list (CSL)board guidance and as the executive agent for ASIs/SIs; provides input and changes to policies surrounding the Army's Force Modernization Program; integrates contemporary sustainment DOTMLPF requirements within all eight personnel life-cycle functions (structure, acquisition, distribution, sustainment, separation, deployment, individual training, and professional development); operates as chief executive office for associated training with industry and advanced degree programs; serves as member of Officer Personnel Management System Council of Colonels; ensures that personnel management policies, programs, and procedures are established in conjunction with HRC, HQDA G-1/4, TRADOC and ACOMs and incorporates LG considerations.
Last Updated: 7 February, 2025